All businesses have a legal responsibility to ensure that they produce, store, transport and dispose of waste without harming the environment. This is called your 'duty of care'. On this page you will find details and downloads for all policies, permits and licenses you will need from O’Brien Waste Recycling Solutions (a trading name of Biffa Waste Services Limited)
SIC Codes
A key requirement of the duty of care is to complete waste transfer notes to document and describe all the waste you transfer. To do this correctly you must know the industry you’re in using the ‘SIC Code’ – the Standard Industry Classification code for your industry.
View SIC (2003 & 2007) codes here
EWC Codes
People need to accurately describe their waste to others for various reasons – for example, to say what kinds of waste they are allowed to handle (permitting) and what kind of waste is being handed over (duty of care).
The European Waste Catalogue allows standard descriptions to be used, which can then be understood by everyone. The European Waste Catalogue codes are transposed into UK law through The List of Wastes (LOW) Regulations.
The use of these codes is a legal requirement of the Duty of Care (DoC) legislation in the UK.
A Waste Transfer Note must always contain a written description of the waste as well as the EWC code. This should be sufficient to enable the main components of the waste to be identified accurately.
For further guidance on using the list of wastes and selecting correct EWC codes click here.
Waste Carriers Licence
Rules apply to anyone who carries/ transports and disposes of controlled waste. This waste includes scrap metal, tarmac, plastic windows, trees, bushes, paving soil, roof tiles, all types of garden waste, rubble and anything else that is no longer wanted by the person who produced the waste or originally owned it.
When you appoint a company or organisation to collect and transport your recycled materials, it is important to ask if they have a Waste Carriers Licence. Only those companies that have this licence, which is issued by the Environment Agency, are permitted to transport your waste materials.
Please click here to view a PDF copy of the O’Brien Waste Recycling Solutions Waste Carriers Licence
Please click here to view a PDF copy of the O’Brien Waste Recycling Solutions Insurance Certificate
Environmental Permits
Please click on the links below to view the Environmental Permits for each site:
Wallsend – Hadrian Yard Central, Potter Street, Wallsend, NE28 6UE
Permit Number EPR/CB3907MQ/T001
Click here to view a PDF copy of the document
Durham – Unit U, Thornley Industrial Estate, Shotton Colliery, Durham, County Durham, DH6 2QA
Permit Number: EPR/CB3708LDT001
Click here to view a PDF copy of the document
Hartlepool – Brenda Road, Hartlepool,TS25 2BS
Permit Number: EPR/DB3001XU/T001
Click here to view a PDF copy of the document
Washington – Wilden Road, Pattinson South Industrial Estate, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE38 8QB
Permit Number: EPR/DB3001US/T001
Click here to view a PDF copy of the document